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Meet the team that gets things done.

Hi, I'm Greg.

I've been working in the Health & Fitness Industry for over 10 years. My passion for health and fitness began in my adolescence playing soccer, rugby and football. A shoulder injury sidelined me but with the help of my physiotherapist as well as regular strength and rehabilitation training, I was able to make a come back the same year!

My career started as a part time personal trainer at a local east end (Orléans) gym where I became responsible for program development, studio operations, conducting personal/ partner training sessions and running our daily classes.

As a coach, I believe that accountability, consistency and dedication are key elements to be successful in reaching your fitness goals. Together we'll set realistic goals based on your needs, goals and limitations. I'm here to  hold you accountable through follow ups, feedback and modifications that work for you!

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Meet the team

Greg Oliver

Owner & Operator

Has been working in the Health & Fitness Industry for over 10 years. Greg is a Certified Personal Trainer as well as a Weight Loss Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Pain Free Mobility Specialist and FRC Mobility Specialist. Certifications also include: Kettlebell Warrior - Kettlebell Certification Course and Group Fitness Instructor Certified.



Certified Motivator, Personal Assistant and Door Bell

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